Soothing. This is the word that most describes my recent sailing journey in the Caribbean.
Gone for 14 days, and 14 sunsets—all of which I watched sinking in the ocean each day as nightness entered the sky.
The comforting motion of the waves under our vessel;the gentle swaying, rocking, almost as if in a cradle, or from a more fundamental prospective, a mother’s sacred and protective womb.
And the hues of blue—never before had I witnessed so many in a day. From cobalt, to cerulean, lapis, azure, and slate.
The sails of our craft, in all their majesty in a pure white, as white can be, against the clear arresting sky. And yet, on another day, under a terrifying grey cloud called OTTO (they name the clouds here when they are large, and threatening). Once under, a plentitude of large drops soaked in my skin. And for hours it rained, and rained as we crossed the channel into St. Lucia. The wind became wild, and I turned cold. If I had been watching a film and seen such a sight, I would have felt fear. But here in the flesh, and the rain, and the charcoal grey of Otto, I soaked up as much of the peace and harmony that I could feel at this very moment. And it was sublime.
What mattered most, was being on the boat. And when docked or out and about on land, all I wanted was to be back in the safe comfort of my cocoon. And when moored for the night, all I could think about was the moment we’d sail away the next morning…. point A to point B, with the water beneath us, carrying us there, and the wind above us, pulling us through.
There is always a destination. No matter how near, or far, or treacherous, there is a point from which you depart, aiming for another, and finding the conclusion once your destination is reached. Each end point bringing us closer to the final one.
Nothing is ever the same as the last day; the winds, the ocean, the sky, the vessel, the man power; and the strategy remains always fluid. An observation symbolic of a well-lived life.
An experimental exercise... this is why I came here, to do this. My maiden voyage on our rented 47 foot Jeanneau, would determine my disposition, and my sentiment towards the idea of sailing at sea. I am an earth person, a Capricorn, sensible and strong footed—on land, naturally… how would I manage at sea?
With an open mind and heart, leaving all expectations behind, I dove in like a dolphin. When I came up for air, with my newfound perspective, I found lightness. Looking ahead at the horizon filled with promise, enlightenment, and life, I am energized to move forward. And I make peace with everything that’s happened before. And I breathe…. i am grateful. I so very much needed this.